The War Room is a conference room headed by the Father/Mother of the Dark Side Scourge. During wartime, or mission briefings, the Father/Mother will select Brothers/Sisters of his/her choosing to join him/her in the War Room and discuss military matters, or intergalactic affairs (missions). It is an honor for any member of the Dark Side Scourge to be given an invitation to join the Father/Mother in these discussions.
This is merely a sophisticated version of the Fight Club. In the Sparring Dome, Brothers/Sisters are encouraged to duel with one another - however, these duels can often get serious, but ultimately are used to proves ones worthiness to the Father/Mother - who often serves as the chief audience of the Sparring Dome on his/her seat-of-power. Many Youths also gather around the dome to observe various sparring matches - and see how their superiors fight. During certain special events, these sparring matches can often turn into blood-lusting battles.