Star Wars Infinities: Augur Era

Augur Era is a non-canon Star Wars universe. In a time of impending change, not even the Jedi can predict the end result of what is to come.
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The Rules list the major guidelines you must follow as a member of the Star Wars Infinities: Augur Era Forum RPG. If you fail to follow these Rules you will certainly suffer the consequences whether they be major or minor. Please respect each and everyone of them.
11Da Rulez
Sat Dec 04, 2010 7:24 pm
Master Darkstar View latest post
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Holonet News

It is advised that you always keep yourself updated by checking Holonet News, because it will often be the source of changes or very informative information that tends to become controversial among your fellow members if they remain uninformed.
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The information stored within the Guide is vital for every member. It will aid in a member's character development because it contains information regarding the in-character area.
2020Factions and Ranks
Mon Jun 04, 2012 7:09 pm
Nissa View latest post
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Welcome to Augur Era

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This board contains the Introduction, which will give you a basic, if not general understanding of Star Wars Infinities: Augur Era's storyline. Please be sure to read this board prior to attempting to conceive a character.
11Star Wars Infinities: Augur Era
Mon Jun 04, 2012 6:59 pm
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Augur Era

The information within the Augur Era board entails past occurences, battles, etc... That all occured sometime before Augur Era or well within Augur Era. Generally, this will contain historical information post-Legacy Era.
22The Timeline
Fri Dec 17, 2010 3:16 pm
Master Darkstar View latest post
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Creation Zone

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Character Creation

In Character Creation, all members will be creating their own character to play as and see through within the Star Wars Universe. Please make sure you follow all Guidelines, and copy the coding of your character's creation template. Once a Character is moved to the approved section, you can use him/her in-character.
Approved Section
911Master Potuashi Dir Ahkhuhn
Wed Jun 06, 2012 1:31 pm
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Weapon Creation

Members are permitted to create additional weaponry within the Weapon Creation forum if they have the option to do so. Please be sure to read any Guidelines, and copy the code of any Template used within the weapon creation Forum.
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44Different Types of Blaster Rifles & Blaster Pistols
Tue Dec 14, 2010 6:46 pm
Master Darkstar View latest post
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Force Power Creation

Members are permitted to create additional force powers within the Force Power Creation forum if they have the option to do so. Please be sure to read any Guidelines, and copy the code of any Template used within the force creation Forum.
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33Force Auger
Tue Jun 05, 2012 10:57 pm
Master Darkstar View latest post
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Armor Creation

Members are permitted to give themselves armor within the Armor Creation forum if they have the option to do so. Please be sure to read any Guidelines, and copy the code of any Template used within the armor creation Forum.
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11Armor Creation Template
Tue Dec 14, 2010 6:28 pm
Master Darkstar View latest post
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Starship Creation

Members are permitted to create their Character's own Starship within the Starship Creation forum if they have the option to do so. Please be sure to read any Guidelines, and copy the code of any Template used within the starship creation Forum.
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22Starship Creation Template
Wed Dec 15, 2010 2:10 pm
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Droid Creation

Members are able to create their own Droid companion within the Droid Creation forum if they are qualified to do so. Please be sure to follow the guidelines and copy any of the coded templates available for the Droids conception.
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33Droid Creation Template
Wed Dec 15, 2010 4:13 pm
Master Darkstar View latest post
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Points Exchange

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Points Exchange

The Points Exchange will be used by members to exchange the points they've earned from their in-character experiences in order to purchase supplements for their character's experience and availability. Please be sure to follow the Points System, because it is what will be expected from other members in order to further their character.
11The Points System
Fri Dec 17, 2010 9:48 pm
Master Darkstar View latest post
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Deep Core

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Tython is a planet located within the Tython system of the Deep Core. It is the planet where the Jedi Order originate, born from the first society of Force users in known history, sometime around 25,783 BBY. Currently, it serves as the New Jedi Order's base of operations, and at its heart is the New Jedi Temple, modeled after the Jedi Temple pre-2nd Jedi Purge.
New Jedi Temple, Ruins of Kaleth
112A Private Meeting
Sat Jun 09, 2012 12:39 pm
Master Darkstar View latest post
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Core Worlds

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Coruscant (Galactic City)

Coruscant is perhaps the most politically important world in the entire galaxy. Various trade routes follow through Coruscant, and thus, Coruscant has turned out to be one of the richest worlds in the Galaxy, capable of affording a large, well-trained military, a reliable governing body and various paths to take for its inhabitants. Over the centuries, Coruscant has developed into an ecumenopolis. The actual planet-wide metropolis of Coruscant is called Galactic City.
Senate District, Underworld
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Corellia is the capital planet of the Corellian system, which includes Selonia, Drall, Tralus, and Talus. It was also the birthplace of smuggler and New Republic General Han Solo as well as Rogue Squadron pilot and New Republic hero Wedge Antilles, along with many other humans who played important roles in the history of the Rebel Alliance, New Republic, and Galactic Alliance. Corellia's surface is extremely temperate, dominated by rolling hills such as those of Bindreg, thick forests, lush farmland, golden beaches, and large seas. Snow-covered mountains dominate part of the landscape. With most of its famed manufacturing centers lifted into orbit, the planet remains largely rural and undeveloped, with small villages and farming communities comprising the bulk of urban development. It is rumored to have many deep underwater caverns with orange Lightsaber crystals.
Coronet City, Corellian Security Force Academy, Nomad Mountains, Gold Beaches
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Lao-mon (or Sh'shuun in Shi'idese) is the jungle covered homeworld of the shapeshifting Shi'ido as well as many large predators. The Shi'ido choose to remain private from the rest of the galaxy and noted that they would contact the New Republic when they felt comfortable doing so, as the years progressed, and the Galactic Federation was brought back a second time, the Shi'ido agreed to allow Lao-mon to serve as one of the "Transmitter Worlds" used for political matters between the New Jedi Order and the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances for the sake of maintaining peace in the Galaxy.
Embassy of Transmission
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Inner Rim

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Vurdon Ka

Vurdon Ka is a planet located within the Vurdon Ka system of the Inner Rim Territories. It is an idyllic world of mosses and inhabited by the peaceful Vuvrians. It is located along the Perlemian Trade Route. For the past 56 years, the Dark Side Scourge, founded by Kraufgar, have held this world tyrannically, and for 56 years, they've remained hidden on the isolated world of Vurdon Ka, where the people are known to stay out of galactic affairs unless by force.
Fort Kraufgar
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Mid Rim

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Nar Shaddaa

Nar Shaddaa is the largest moon of Nal Hutta. More commonly known as the Vertical City, the Smuggler's Moon and Little Coruscant, Nar Shaddaa is similar to Coruscant in that its surface is entirely overgrown with city sprawl for millennia. But unlike Coruscant—which is only relatively rundown and dangerous on the lower and under levels of the world city—Nar Shaddaa is filthy, polluted, and infested with crime everywhere
Bounty Hunter's Guild, The Burning Deck, Meltdown Café, The Slag Pit
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Naboo (pronounced /nə'bu/) is a planet that is the sector capital of the Chommell Sector near the Outer Rim territories. It is a largely unspoiled world with large plains, swamps and seas. It is mostly known as the homeworld of notable historical figures who played major roles in the downfall of the Old Republic and the rise of the Galactic Empire, namely Padmé Amidala, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine and Jar Jar Binks.
Theed, Lake Country, Gallo Mountains
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Outer Rim Territories

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Korriban is the sole planet in the Horuset system, located across the galaxy from Koros Major. It is the original homeworld of the Sith species and a sacred planet for the Sith Order, housing the tombs for many ancient and powerful Dark Lords of the Sith, and containing immense dark side power. It used to be the site of a Sith Academy, and during Darth Krayt’s reign, became the headquarters of the One Sith. Since the end of the Sith-Imperial War, Korriban has been heavily guarded by the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances and the New Jedi Order who intend to excavate the planet for old Sith knowledge that could possibly help the Galaxy repel the Sith from ever rising to power again in the near or distant future. Only Jedi Masters of the New Jedi Order or those with the supervision of a Jedi Master, are able to step foot on Korriban with the Jedi High Council’s jurisdiction, while every single Galactic Alliance Defense Force militant has to be accompanied or travel well within a unit of soldiers, often led by a Jedi Consular that specializes in the archaeological field.
Galactic Alliance Defense Force Outpost, Valley of the Dark Lords, Eternal Pyre, Valley of Golg, Sith Academy Ruins
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Thule is a semi-arid planet known for its rich savannas, continually bombarded by lightning storms, but Thule was also a hidden Sith Stronghold/Sanctuary. The rocky outcroppings which broke the plains are charred black from being hit by lightning. These charred rocks later served as a form of sustenance for unusual, bioluminescent moss that make the rocks glow with an eerie light. It remains forgotten from the Galaxy, far beyond the reaches of consideration since the world has been largely unpopular for centuries.
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Tatooine (pronounced tætu'in) is a desert world in a binary star system in the Arkanis sector of the Outer Rim Territories. It is inhabited by poor locals who mostly farm moisture for a living. Other activities include using equipment retailing and scrap dealing. The planet is on the 5709-DC Shipping Lane, a spur of the Triellus Trade Route, which itself connected to the Sisar Run. The planet is not far from the Corellian Run. It has its own navigation system. However, it would still play a role in galactic events, serving as the home of Anakin Skywalker. It is here that Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn recognized Anakin's potential to become a Jedi and where he introduced him to Obi-Wan Kenobi, his future master and mentor. Tatooine is also the home of Anakin's son, Luke, where he lived until his early adulthood. The planet built up a very bad reputation, often being viewed as the cesspool of the galaxy due to the high-level of criminals who can be found onworld.
Anchorhead, Jundland Wastes, Dune Sea
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Ryloth, also known as Twi'lek, and Twi'lek Prime, is the harsh, rocky homeworld of the Twi'leks, an Outer Rim Territories world located on the Corellian Run and forming one endpoint of the Death Wind Corridor. One side of the planet perpetually faces its sun and the other remains in darkness, a phenomenon known as tidal locking. The dayside is referred to as the Bright Lands and the night-side is known as the Nightlands. It is a planet of extremes: dry, rocky landscapes of deserts, mountain ranges with mist-covered peaks, shadowy valleys, alternated with snowy wastes, joined by lush temperate bands which concentrate much of its population. Because of its unusual day-night rotation period, atmospheric conditions on Ryloth's surface are characterized by turbulent seasons and extremely high winds (reaching 500 kilometers per hour) scouring the surface and sculpting the landscape and unpredictable bursts of heat called heat storms, which can reach 300 degrees centigrade. The more extreme heat storms sometimes move across the terminator and reached miles underground, making caves near the surface temporarily uninhabitable, before eventually dying out on the night side.
Bright Lands, Twilight Terminator, Nightlands
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Mandalore, known as Manda'yaim in Mando'a, is the capital world of the Mandalore sector of the Outer Rim Territories, which the Mandalorian culture first conquered. In 127 ABY during the Sith-Imperial War, Yaga Auchs took command of the remaining Mandalorian forces after the Battle of Botajef by claiming the title of Mandalore for himself. He kept the Mandalorians out of the rest of the war by keeping the remaining Mandalorian forces on Mandalore. After the fall of the One Sith, Hondo Karr avenged Chernan Ordo, and honorably claimed the title of Mandalore. Since then, the Mandalorian culture has thrived.
Sundari, Keldabe
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Forum Discussion (In-Character Discussion)

This board is to be used for sharing, regarding and/or debating events that occur in-character. This board's other purposes involve trying to come up with an in-character thread, trying to get other member's involved more specifically and/or clarifying what has recently occured or what occured in the past that may effect your character or another in-character thread.
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Off-topic Discussion & Absences

The Off-topic Discussion & Absences board is intended for members who are in the mood to talk about topics that are unrelated to this Forum. Feel free to speak with an open mind, so long as you do so respectfully and abide by the Forum rules. Also, if you're going to be absent, it is important you report your absence and duration of that absence within this board so that the Staff don't deem any members inactive.
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Art & Media

The Art & Media board is meant to encourage members to post pieces of artwork they like and/or have created themselves and would like to share with this community, it could be for members who have found something entertaining they'd like to share or for members who would like to share some of their favorite songs - one of which might be your character's own theme song in the Forum. Keep in mind that pornography is prohibited from this Forum, and members who would dare post it would be endangering others, and giving this Forum a foul demeanor - in other words, you will be gravely punished.
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Spam [BEWARE!]

The Spam board can be used for those members who tend to get bored and invoke randomness in the Forum while they aren't actively involving themselves in it or are waiting to post in-character. The Spam board can be a spasm of the mind, but, keep in mind that pornography is prohibited and you will be gravely punished for posting it - even if it's a humorous idea for you, it more then likely won't be for others.
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